반응형 Cityscapes1 [딥러닝 with 파이썬] U-Net 모델 구현하기 (Semantic Segmentation) [본 포스팅은 Medium의 "Semantic Segmentation in Self-driving Cars" 포스팅과 아래 블로그를 참조하여 작성하였습니다] https://blog.jovian.com/semantic-segmentation-in-self-driving-cars-3cb89aa08e9b Semantic Segmentation in Self-driving Cars A bare-bones intro to distinguish objects in a road scene with Autonomous Vehicles using PyTorch 🔥 blog.jovian.com https://velog.io/@jarvis_geun/U-Net-%EC%8B%A4%EC%8A%B5 U-Net 실습 이번 포스팅에서.. 2023. 10. 28. 이전 1 다음 반응형