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Comparison 3 ETFs : SPY, SCHD and JEPI

by CodeCrafter 2023. 2. 4.

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are a popular investment option for many investors, offering a convenient and cost-effective way to gain exposure to various markets and asset classes. 


When considering which ETF to invest in, it is important to compare different ETFs based on several key criteria, such as expense ratio, asset class, tracking error, liquidity, and performance, among others. 


In this blog post, we will compare three popular ETFs – SPY, SCHD, and JEPI – using these criteria and suggest the type of person for each ETF.







1) Expense Ratio: SPY has an expense ratio of 0.09%, while SCHD has an expense ratio of 0.06%, making it the more cost-effective option. JEPI has an expense ratio of 0.40%, making it the most expensive of the three.

2) Asset Class: SPY tracks the S&P 500 Index, which is a broad-based index of large-cap U.S. stocks. SCHD tracks the Dow Jones U.S. Dividend 100 Index, which consists of high dividend-yielding U.S. stocks. JEPI tracks the JP Morgan Equity Premium Income Index, which consists of U.S. and international stocks that pay high dividends.

3) Tracking Error: SPY has a very low tracking error, which means it accurately tracks the S&P 500 Index. SCHD and JEPI also have low tracking errors, indicating they accurately track their respective benchmarks.

4) Liquidity: SPY is one of the most liquid ETFs on the market, with high daily trading volume and low bid-ask spreads. SCHD and JEPI have good liquidity, but not as high as SPY.

5) Diversification: SPY provides broad-based diversification across the U.S. stock market. SCHD provides a more focused exposure to high dividend-yielding U.S. stocks. JEPI provides a blend of U.S. and international stocks with high dividends.

6) Tax Efficiency: SPY is generally tax-efficient, with low capital gains distributions. SCHD and JEPI also have low capital gains distributions, making them tax-efficient options.

7) Style or Sector Focus: SPY provides exposure to the broad U.S. stock market, with no specific style or sector focus. SCHD provides exposure to high dividend-yielding U.S. stocks. JEPI provides exposure to U.S. and international stocks with high dividends.

8) Index Methodology: SPY tracks the S&P 500 Index, which is constructed based on market capitalization. SCHD tracks the Dow Jones U.S. Dividend 100 Index, which is constructed based on dividend yield. JEPI tracks the JP Morgan Equity Premium Income Index, which is constructed based on dividend yield and expected earnings growth.

9) Performance: SPY has produced strong historical performance, closely tracking the performance of the S&P 500 Index. SCHD and JEPI have also produced strong historical performance, although their returns may differ from SPY due to their different underlying benchmarks.

10) Issuer Reputation: SPY is issued by State Street Global Advisors, a large and well-established asset management firm. SCHD is issued by Schwab, a large financial services company with a good reputation. JEPI is issued by JPMorgan Asset Management, a large and well-respected asset management firm.







Based on the comparison of the three ETFs, we suggest the following type of person for each ETF:

SPY is suitable for investors looking for broad exposure to the U.S. stock market, with a ow expense ratio and strong liquidity. This ETF is a good choice for those seeking long-term investment and diversification across the U.S. stock market.

SCHD is suitable for investors seeking income from high dividend-yielding U.S. stocks. This ETF is a good choice for those looking for a focused exposure to high dividend-yielding stocks, with a lower expense ratio compared to SPY.

JEPI is suitable for investors seeking income from a blend of U.S. and international stocks with high dividends. This ETF is a good choice for those looking for a diversified exposure to high dividend-yielding stocks, with a focus on both U.S. and international markets. However, JEPI has a higher expense ratio compared to SPY and SCHD.

